Leveling Up, Lessons Learned, And Today Is My Birthday

upgrade hidup,

My 31st birthday. Wow. Although deep down I feel I really wanted to avoid mentioning my age, it’s still a fact that I already bypassed a third decade of my age. At the same time, deep down I felt immense gratefulness and excitement. .

But first… happy birthday to me 😛

Meaning Of Leveling Up

I’m levelling up in such way that its on it’s way for everything I wanted (life, money, happiness, family, lifestyle, even the food and skin care items that I always wanted to splurge), because I haven’t got it before (taken away, to be truthful) where at the time I was in a phase of healing, mending the wound from the battle, repressing it for later judgement while working what matters for me and for others.

Because in the end, my calling is to help others. Hence ada blog ni sebagai pemulanya.

Klise, kita tahu. Tapi tu lah, bila dah dikata calling ni, ia adalah purpose, satu ilham dan pembuka jalan yang Allah bagi berdasarkan kemahiran/kekuatan yang kita ada.

Kalau tak diikut, biasa dengar orang hidup tak tenang, rasa ‘missing’ sesuatu kan? Itu lah dia.

Jika diikut, betapa susah perjalanan tu tetap kita akan rasa puas di pengakhiran masa nak ditimbang amalan nanti.

Dan secara peribadi, kita takut. Takut ditanya dekat sana bila dah diberi ilham, dipermudahkan jalan tak dilalui, tapi tak sudah2 rasa susah hati melolong dalam diri. Nanti nak jawab apa dekat Allah? “saya rasa penatlah..malas nak buat macam susah jerr…”

*itu mintak diluku sebenarnya.

Hence, Allah throws you in a curveball that I’m very9 sure it’s a way for me to upgrade myself, and I know what part to improve – mostly mental strength, pengurusan duit, mindset, vibration dll untuk next phase.

The Story Of Leveling Up

Sebulan lebih gitu before my birthday I get some kind of windfall alhamdulillah, my life thrown in a haywire.

Kalut itu pasti: mana nak urus anak, mana nak urus rumah etc sampai terabur, makan lauk sama (masa in batch sekaligus n bekukan ikut portion kita biasa makan senang nak masak) n hidup jadi zombie je yang mujur lah planner system yang kita guna membantu nak tengok semua tugas yang perlu, apa2 refer setempat sahaja.

Sampai sakit belakang kerja lewat malam nak kejar masa, dengan geramnya terpaksa beli juga foam roller nak urut belakang tu (link kedai shopee kita beli dekat akhir artikel ni). Kenapa geram? Akan dikongsikan dalam blog post lain nanti.

Tak..kita tak guna foam roller buat macam ni. Merapu aih

Dan segala blog post pengurusan masa/diri dalam blog ini, itulah yang Shai dok buat, demi elak kerja bertangguh dan rasa terbeban.

Apa kita buat, tarik nafas n reset setiap hari untuk fokus (sebab kita cepat rasa overwhelmed n cenderung tangguh kerja), baca balik plan besar, plan harian baru boleh relaks minda nak handle n settle. Fokus satu persatu, setiap hari, untuk elak rasa terbeban. Berdikit-dikit kita semakin mahir.  

So I know, it’s Allah’s way of telling me to level up for the next decade.

And I remember when someone ask me what I think as I’m entering my 30th birthday. I said “I’m excited”Walaupun masa tu practically takda apa2 to speak off. Takda duit sgt, nak bayar ptptn pun sakit woo..

Tapi masa tu, ada rasa sense of safety, rasa tenang rasa macam hidup kita dijaga baik-baik and pretty much taken care of so I’m not worried.

And it happens now. Sekarang. Keperluan terjaga, apa yang kena ambil waktu tu Allah ambil balik dan bagi semula dekat kita, Allah hantar orang tolong kita, dll lagi. Just like I prayed for years.

Mashaa Allah.

How can I not give thanks to Allah n amp up my spiritual routine after this? Segan pun ada sikit.

It’s true

But yes, levelling up for me, is also a sign for me to help others (lepas setel semua keperluan diri). And I heartily agree. Yes, I will help others in any way I can.

And of course, hari ni hari jadi kita dan kita curi masa sikit nak menulis (dan hupload post ni) sambil nak sambung kerja semula, sambil nak gosok baju sekolah, kemas rumah, dan tunggu Tesco hantar barang dapur untuk masak lauk stok seminggu.

Tapi kita happy. Sebab I get to do things that I kinda love (kind sebab bercinta jugak nak melipat menyimpan baju tu hehe); ada orang lain susah, hidup menderita lagi ni dari aku.


Reading other people’s stories and it also happens to me, it’s likely it same will happen to you too. Because life gives you lemons, you make a lemonade and call it as yours. Or be the next Beyonce and make another Lemonade album. 😛

A side note, I’m a Muslim so I’m writing from a perspective of one, but I know that the essence of life and how to deal with it is the same.

Percayalah, hidup rasa tenang bila ujian/cabaran/dugaan yang kita dapat tu adalah untuk naikkan kapasiti n darjat kita, instead of cuci sebagai kifarah dosa*. It means like “ok, now you need to upgrade yourself, lepas ni lagi challenging” berbanding “sapa suruh buat, sapa suruh ikut setan tu. Cuci n tebus dosa ni dulu”.

You make everything as right as possible in the eyes of Allah, and you get excited because you know Allah wants to give you something, but He wants to make you worthy first.  

And in a same note, I give thanks to Allah, and I pray for others – anyone struggling financially, lifestyle, or anyone go through the same as I did – get the same blessings as I did.

The pain is real woo..

*bukan nak kata kita suci tu gila namanya, semua orang ada dosanya (dengan Allah atau dengan manusia)..tapi..kita tak backstab orang kot, kita tak aibkan orang, kita tak bunuh orang ke apa, kita tak curi duit orang, benda2 besar mcm tu lah maksudnya ye, jangan salah faham pula.

Link Artikel Lain

Tadi ada cerita pasal lauk sama kan, dia resipi ayam masak merah. Senang sebab kuahnya tu boleh buat base nasi/mee/mihun goreng, sebagai kuah makan nasi dengan kicap (Naz suka lauk ni). Resipi kat sini.

Yang planner system pulak kita guna ring planner, klik sini. Tak boleh dah nak guna Traveler’s Notebook even if I love the system soo much. Huhu..

Link kedai kita beli foam roller pulak, dekat sini. Cari lah feedback kita dekat kedai tu n baca hehe..

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